Empowering forced migrants through enabling interventions:

Objective :
The main objective of this project is to intensify advocacy towards reviewing current Forced Migrant and forced migration policy and enactment of appropriate policy and legal framework with necessary services to needy clients. The short-term impact of the project on the promotion and protection of human rights of the asylum seekers and Forced Migrants was visible with the Government’s decision to waive immigration penalties to the Forced Migrants/asylum-seekers who were leaving Nepal either on voluntary repatriation or third country settlement. Though the decision was made on an ad-hoc basis, the few families ready to be resettled benefitted. The project has been proved as very appropriate, especially in the context where the issues of asylum seekers and Forced Migrants have been grossly overlooked and neglected and have been dealt with on an ad-hoc basis without any normative and legislative framework.
Rationale of the project :
Latest Update on Working Areas
Better Living Option Program:
Under the thematic area, INHURED International has executed a year-long Better Living Option Program (BLOP) targeted at empowering adolescents (aged 13-19)
Promotion of sustainable livelihoods & and responsible attitude to the environment:
Under the thematic area, INHURED International works for the protection and preservation of the environment as there is a strong demand for a clean and safe environment;
Migration Management
Under this thematic area, INHURED International works for the victims/survivors of forced migration regardless of natural or human-made disasters uprooting from their place of origin, transit, and destination. In addition to this, INHURED also works
Advocacy for reforms on the Immigration Bill:
The primary rationale of this project is to raise awareness of the presence of persons of concern and their situation in Nepal among concerned stakeholders.

Better Living Option Program:
Under the thematic area, INHURED International has executed a year-long Better Living Option Program (BLOP) targeted at empowering adolescents (aged 13-19)

Promotion of sustainable livelihoods & and responsible attitude to the environment:
Under the thematic area, INHURED International works for the protection and preservation of the environment as there is a strong demand for a clean and safe environment;

Migration Management
Under this thematic area, INHURED International works for the victims/survivors of forced migration regardless of natural or human-made disasters uprooting from their place of origin, transit, and destination. In addition to this, INHURED also works

Advocacy for reforms on the Immigration Bill:
The primary rationale of this project is to raise awareness of the presence of persons of concern and their situation in Nepal among concerned stakeholders.