INHURED International is a registered non-governmental organization under the Nepal Organization Registration Act 1977 Clause (4). It has Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations.
Decision-making within the organization is made by the President in consultations with the Board members together with Executive Director and Administrative and Financial Manager and the heads of the departments within INHURED. This is done through regular bi-monthly meetings of the Steering Committee, which discusses and decides on administrative and programmatic issues. The Steering Committee is constituted by the Executive Director and the team under the Monitoring and Documentation, Legal Research and Advocacy, and Administrative and Financial Departments.
INHURED also formulates ad-hoc committees within the organization for the decision-making and the implementation of specific programmes or activities within the organization. It encourages teamwork but also has clear lines of responsibility and accountability. INHURED has developed systems and structures within the organization that allows for the professional and efficient implementation of tasks, and INHURED has developed internal democratic processes to allow for the contribution and participation of its staff in the different activities of the organization. Monthly meetings are held with the whole staff to report on activities achieved, challenges encountered, and crafting future activities. Staff also discuss organizational issues of concern to them and put forward their needs and opinions.

How We Work

Institutional Policies

Legal Statues & Structure

Institutional Organization

Vision Mission & Goal

Message From President
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